Pre-party for VGs

- in Nyheter

I am practically 2 hours late for a pre-party in Delphi and the weather is nowhere near party-ideal. The wind is blowing strongly and I swear it is raindrops that I feel on my face as I walk up to Building K. I follow the noise up the stairs and meet with the sight of familiar faces, flushed red with drunkenness, happily chatting away.

The room is packed to the brim with both mentees and newcomers- and being still awkward with large social events, I edge towards the familiar and greet the mentees I have met before. Slowly but surely, I meet the newcomers and the atmosphere is light and comfortable. One of them joked, “I am not in this mentor group- I just came for the preparty, I am an exclusive member for the night.”

This is one of my favourite experiences of being a mentor. You are constantly meeting new people and have an excuse to talk to everyone and anyone in the room. Especially when alcohol is involved, people are exceptionally boisterous and they come out of their shell- and this is the fun part, where you meet different characters in your group that you remember for a lifetime- the loud party-goer, or the once-shy-now-not-so-shy girl, or even as simple as remembering a guy for his funny laugh.

At 9.20pm the mentees are ushered out and the mentors worry if they will be able to enter VGs, which apparently already has a massive queue due to the normal back-to-school frenzy. The group heads towards VGs, drinking and biking- a skill necessarily developed in Lund. I, on the other hand, have assignments to prepare for class the next day, so I skip out on hardcore partying for the night.

Till the sittning on Saturday!

By: Suzanna Törnroth