Brief summary of 5/06

- in Nyheter

The lack of student housing in Lund, swedish medical students in Denmark and of course the carneval are the headlines for the May issue of Lundagård.

No student apartments

The municipality of Lund does not build any apartments for students, even though the housing shortage has been huge since the mid 90’s. According to the head of the municipal housing company, the reason is that students make the neighbours complain.


A chronicle writer in one of the larger tabloids in Sweden recently wrote that students from Lund are disgusting. We test her arguments and find that it in fact is she who is prejudiced…


For three days, the whole of Lund was a big party. 300 000 people saw the carnival procession, visited the tents with themes like speed dating or polar bar, or just got drunk in the company of friends.


– One fifth of the medical students in Denmark are Swedes, partly because the grading system makes it easier to get top grades in Sweden. Some political parties in Denmark have protested, but EU rules make it impossible to treat the students differently.

However, the Swedish students Lundagård has met in Denmark feel that the relationship between the Scandinavian students is brotherly.