the Swedish post

- in Nyheter

Several years back, Sweden got rid of its post offices.  Letters are delivered to homes but if someone mails you a package that can’t fit through the mail slot, you have to wait for the ”post office”  (eg, the designated/approved people often also working at the supermarket or in small shops) to send you a letter notifying you of its arrival.  Then you have to go pick up the package.

I am curious about how efficient and speedy this system is, sadly for a more selfish than intellectually stimulating reason.  WHERE IS MY DRESS!!!!????!!!!!????   I wish WordPress had the option to insert emoticons like Gmail does!  If it did, I would insert some pitchforks and horned fire-breathing not happy happy faces (eg. yellow devil face emoticons).  I know it shouldn’t be the little things in life that stress me out, but I really want my fancy dress to arrive from San Francisco for the bal Tornakören is singing in tomorrow night.  oh well.  Is a short dress or long pants a better second choice??  I guess the dress???