Today a Swedish friend invited me to a traditional Swedish pea soup and pancake lunch at a medical student commune/coop in a
beautiful building on the outskirts of the ’Professor’s neighborhood’ near the botanical garden that must’ve housed a rich old family at one point. Anyhow, we had to pay 10 extra kronor since we are not medical students, but it was only 45 kr in the end including a small glass of Swedish punsch. The similar spelling on the menu board lead me to believe that it was similar to American punch, a
nice mix of juices with sliced fruit and ice cubes- very refreshing on a sunny day! With a bizarre feeling of accomplishment I grasped my glass of punsch- another special Swedish tradition sampled, check! Finally my brain woke up and noticed that my glass was actually a shot glass. I checked with my friend again, asking exactly what it is and he said, ”oh, it’s a special Swedish dessert drink.
It’s only 20% alcohol.” WHAT?!?! Sometimes I’m glad I’m a foreigner here so that when I do stupid things I have an excuse. Luckily I do not get the Asian glow with one drink. Wiki more info: