As a part of the 350-year anniversary celebrations of Lund university, the university invited the public to a science super show. Lundagård was there to report.
All seats were taken, all generations from young to old were waiting for the science show to begin. Biology, Chemistry and Physics representatives were alternating, showing experiments to fascinate and surprise the audience. The message was clear – science is interesting, important and can be fun.

Many experiments were shown and explained to make science more approachable: An electricity cycle, made by a chain of participating people, real scorpions from Australia to demonstrate their fluorescence in the dark, and one demonstrating that you should never combine taking Mentos and drinking Cola.
The last part of the show was the laser show, which immersed the audience in a great mixture of light, sound, entertainment and 4D experiences.
“Super show” was written on the ticket –this description was fulfilled.