Aloha, greetings from Hawaii, one of the most beautiful places on earth. If you’re wondering if the grass is greener on the other side then yes it is, and that place is called Hawaii. To be frank, it can’t get much greener than this, even with essays to write, books to read and deadlines to meet.
Most of the time I want to visit new destinations when I’m travelling. Unexplored places, different cultures and alternative ways of life always make travelling exciting and I seek out these new experiences wherever I go. There is one exception though, and that place is called Hawaii. It’s my fourth time here and I can’t seem to get enough of this place.
Since watching Lilo & Stitch as a seven year old I wanted to travel to this faraway land but it would take me more than a decade to finally reach my dream destination. To most this probably sounds overdramatic, but I can assure you that the second I landed at Honolulu International Airport I felt like I’d finally come home. Since that first trip six years ago I’ve made the extra effort to stopover in Hawaii whenever I’ve been “passing by”. But like someone told me, the islands are in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, it’s kind of unreasonable to say that you’re “in the area” in order to justify yet another Hawaiian holiday.

Studying and travelling at the same time has been put to the ultimate test whilst being here. All I’ve wanted to do is take roadtrips along the coast, eat my way through all the food trucks on the North Shore, surf the waves of Waikiki until the sun sets and go on adventurous hikes along the mountain ridges of the island. I’ve had to exercise a fair amount of discipline trying to study while still allowing myself to enjoy the island. I’ve brought my laptop to the beach on several occasions and listened to online lectures whilst taking strolls along the coast. Working in the evenings has always been an effective way to pursue schoolwork whilst not feel like I’m missing out while I’m here.
As long as I disposition my time well, I feel like anything can be achieved as long as I have a bit of good wifi and discipline. Tomorrow morning for example, I’m freediving with sharks (!) before I dive into my school work. Travelling and studying is definitely not easy but if I can make it work over here I know I can do it anywhere; I also know that anyone considering doing this themselves can make it work too. I can now confidently say that the logistics of this operation are just as simple in practice, and I couldn’t be happier about it.