Here in Lund during the summer? Check out our guide to activities around Lund!
If you’re like me – an international student trapped in Lund during the summer – fear not! Lund’s student life may calm down considerably, but there are still lots of good stuff around the area to explore. Thankfully, Lund is close to many nice hiking trails that are easily accessible by train or bus. Here are some places to visit to make the most out of Sweden’s glorious summer.
The capital of Denmark is perhaps Scandinavia’s hippest kid on the block.
Spend a weekend in Stockholm
If you’re feeling fancy, make a weekend trip to Sweden’s capital city Stockholm. This magical city will charm you with its beautiful islands and waters. Start the day by visiting the Vasa museum – the world’s best preserved 17th century ship and the most visited museum in Scandinavia. Then, walk by all the people sunbathing and picnicking in parks and spend the evening at old town Gamla Stan to check out even more cool museums. Be sure to get to one of Stockholm’s many island cliffs for a view of the sun setting. Stockholm will steal your heart and you’ll find yourself planning the next trip to Stockholm on the train back to Lund.
Visit Helsingør
Helsingør is a coastal town in Denmark, right across the waters from Swedish city Helsingborg. Getting there is as easy as taking the ferry, just remember to bring travel documents, as you’ll be crossing borders. The town houses the castle Kronborg that inspired Hamlet. From June to August, the castle transforms into a live Hamlet show, and will have periodic Hamlet play performance.
Take a day trip to Copenhagen
Copenhagen – the capital of Denmark – is perhaps Scandinavia’s hippest kid on the block, and it’s only an hour away by train. The city offers many cool places to visit, including Freetown Christiania. Right next door is the Church of our Savior where you can get a rooftop view of the city. You can buy a train ticket with the Skånetrafiken app that offers student discount, which will also allow you to travel all over the city with its metros and buses.

Sweden is an amazing place to go hiking. Sweden’s unique law Allemansrätten – The Right of Public Access – grants you the right to roam freely in its nature. However, keep in mind that this generosity expects consideration from you. Keep in mind to not disturb and don’t destroy anything.
The Skåneleden Trail lays all around Skåne, and one of its subtrails offers spectacular view alongside the coast. The trail is a unique combination of coastal towns and cliffs overlooking the ocean. On a good, sunny day, you might be able to see the shores of Denmark. As the trail can be quite long depending on where you want to go, I recommend hopping off the train at Glumslöv Station and hike south towards Landskrona for the best view.
Ales stenar i.e. Ale’s Stones is a series of stone monument made in the shape of a ship in the South of Skåne. Nobody is sure why it’s made the way it is, but with carbon dating, archeologists were able to deduce that it might have been built around 1,400 years ago.
Stenshuvud is a beautiful national park overlooking the Baltic Sea. It was traditionally used as a landmark for seafarers, but these days it’s used mainly for hikers to enjoy Sweden’s nature. On a clear day, the view is beautiful.