Behind the 15th box of Lundagårds Christmas calendar we find Kristy Louise Rhades, kurator at Wermlands nation. Growing up in several countries, she prefers Swedish Christmas food.
What are you most proud of during your time as a kurator at Wermlands?
–To be an international Kurator in a Swedish organisation that is 350 years old, in a nation that is very inclusive for international students.
Have you broken any of the restrictions? Be honest
No, not a single time. I live up to the highest standards.
Who have you been most mad at during 2020?
–Does it have to be a person? I’ll think about it.
Will you celebrate Christmas?
–50 per cent in Sweden and 50 per cent in Scotland.
Which Christmas food do you like the best?
–They’re quite similar, but I would, however, say the Swedish one.
How come?
–Because British food is not known to be the best, it is very easy for any other culture to be better than Scottish food in general.
What are your thoughts on the Yorkshire pudding?
–I love it!
What’s your favorite thing on the Christmas table?
Do you have any new year’s resolutions?
–To make Wermlands greener than ever before.
Do you have a personal one?
–Being fluent in Swedish within the next half year.
Do you have any new year’s resolutions from before that you haven’t been able to achieve?
–Yes, I wanted to party more but I couldn’t since the coronavirus outbreak.
Which was your most expensive purchase during 2020?
–My travel tickets from Scotland to Sweden.
What do you want to say to Lunds students?
–Kom in i Wermen!
Favourite book?
–Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami
Favourite Christmas song?
–The Twelve Days of Christmas.