Lundagård is counting down the days until Christmas eve with 24 interviews with 24 different students. On December 1st we meet Niklas Bardor, 28, from Silverdale (WA), USA with a criminal elf-name.
Name: Niklas Bardor
Age: 28 years
From: Silverdale (WA), USA
Studies: Innovation and Global Sustainable Development

”Kalles jul” on Christmas eve.
Photo: Alexandra Roslund
What is the worst thing about Christmas?
– The worst thing about Christmas? Hm…
– I’m not a very traditional person. It’s nice to get together and have that excuse to do so, but I think the worst thing is that it’s an excuse to get together when you shouldn’t need to have that excuse.
What is your avourite Christmas movie?
– ”Elf” is a pretty good one, but there’s the Disney one too, the one that’s played in Sweden all the time [Kalles jul, editor’s note]. It’s very special to our family in America, it was kind of a cool tradition to have that one similar thing every year.
Speaking of elves, what would be your elf name?
– The Inconvenient Bandit. I’m thinking like the elf on the shelf – you move him around, you frame him for crimes or little things you mess up. The little inconveniences.
What do you look forward to in 2023?
– Getting out and traveling a lot more – in Europe it’s so easy to go everywhere!
Where do you want to go?
– I know that I really want to go to the Mediterranean, but I’m pretty open to anything.