On Saturday the 18th of November, Lund history is going to be made. On that night it will be the very first time in the history of student engagement in the city where a nation and a student accommodation will hold a collaborative event. Lundagård has met the organizers from Smålands nation and Parentesen housing area to talk about the brainchild which is soon to be born.
If you’ve been moving around the south-eastern parts of Lund recently, you might have seen the many posters advertising the event “PARRAN x SMÅLANDS”. The poster promises that the club night is not only going to contain UK Garage and House music, but also that it is the first of its kind – a club night organized in collaboration between a nation and a student accommodation.
– We have been trying to make this work for a year or so, says Nina Horvat, one of the club commissars at Smålands nation.
The idea, which at the beginning was just an inside joke, has grown to become one of Smålands nation’s largest events ever. At the time of this article being written, more than 450 people have klicked “interested” in the event’s facebook page.
Philip Müller, DJ and Parentesen resident, thinks that the popularity and attention directed towards the event is due to the unique social culture at Parran:
– Parran is much more of a community than a place people just live (…) I think it’s spreading a lot mouth to mouth. And people at Parran are always ready to party.

Nina Horvat is also happlity surprised by the popularity of the event. She’s been looking for people willing to work at the party for weeks:
– It just spiraled and became a way bigger thing than what I expected it to be, she says.
Philip Müller further speculates in whether the potential, but as of yet undecided, success of the event might pave the way for future collaborations between accommodations and nations,
– It would be fun, but I don’t know how Ulrikedal x Göteborgs nation would work. (…) I think Smålands is more open to the idea because [the people there] are more willing to experiment with things. Göteborg would be like “nah, we have our own thing”. But if it’s a success, maybe it would lead the way to more collaborations between living quarters and nations in the future, he says.
In a comment to Lundagård, a representative of Göteborgs nation says: ”We are sorry to hear this preconception! We are always open to new ideas and concepts, really all you have to do is send us an email and we can discuss things further!”