Archives by: Joanna Tsai

Joanna Tsai

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Joanna Tsai Posts

Lunch Punsch

Lunch Punsch
Today a Swedish friend invited me to a traditional Swedish pea soup and pancake lunch at a medical student commune/coop in a beautiful building on the outskirts of ...
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European Hotel Beds

European Hotel Beds
It seems like everywhere I travel in Europe there are no options for ONE two-person bed.  All the rooms just have two single beds that you have to ...
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Lazy Europeans

Lazy Europeans
Europeans have a reputation for being lazy in America.  After all, if Americans knew that Europeans have as many as SIX WEEKS OF VACATION a year, they’d probably ...
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Do Swedes all look the same?

Do Swedes all look the same?
I have gotten some compliments in Sweden that I am interesting because I am exotic.  In other countries this usually refers to my half-Asian descent.  However, in Sweden people ...
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Sweden's glass

Sweden's glass
Apparently Sweden has an important history in the field of glass-making, which I didn’t know until one of my Fulbright colleagues told me.  It’s quite interesting and now I want ...
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there and back again, joanna's tale

there and back again, joanna's tale
I just returned from Berlin after a week-long Fulbright conference (the program that’s allowing me to be in Sweden).  It was fabulous and it felt like being in ...
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Helsingor pictures

Helsingor pictures
A longer description of my recent journey to Kronborg, the Danish castle that inspired Shakespeare’s setting in ”Hamlet” can be found on my March 23rd column post ( ...
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Saying Goodbye

Saying Goodbye
In some social situations in the US when I want to leave, I try to sneak out of the room without being noticed.  I don’t see this as ...
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Miike Snow @ the VEGA

Miike Snow @ the VEGA
I’ve just left a small but fun birthday party and the band Miike Snow, pronounced ’Mike Snow,’ has popped up on my iTunes playlist.  If your name is ...
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Tonight I had dinner at Wermlands Nation, which is frequented by international students.  We had a Vietnamese-inspired dinner and a random but very tasty raspberry crumble.  On the bar where ...
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