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In English Internationellt

Everything you need to know about the US election

Today, on November 5, Americans will head to the polls to decide who will lead the United States as its next president. To help make sense of the election process and the key issues at stake, Lundagård posed six questions to Jonathan Polk, professor of political science at Lund University.
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In English News Nyheter

Rumors of fake welcoming parties during orientation week – LU warns students

Both Lund University and ESN Lund warn new international students about fraudulent welcome events. During the summer, several of them bought tickets for parties of a suspicious organisation posing as a student union.
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Ekonomi In English Internationellt Reportage

Financial strain hits international students: ”Keeps me awake”

Food, rent, and course literature. Inflation and rising interest rates. Getting by on a student budget isn’t always easy, but for international students – without favorable student loans and with high tuition prices, the task can be both stressful and overwhelming.
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Ekonomi In English Internationellt Nyheter

American students miss out on student loans

New American exchange students starting at Lund University can no longer receive student loans through the U.S.’ Federal Student Aid Program. As a result, students must now seek loans from other sources, such as private banks, which come with much higher interest rates.
– Lund University really put us in a tough position last year, says American exchange student Tyler Radenbaugh.  
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Guider In English Nationer Student life Studentliv

New in Lund? Essential Tips for International Students

Hej och välkommen! Lund, with its rich history and vibrant student culture, is excited to welcome you. Whether you’re here as an exchange student, a full-time international student, or for a short stay, this guide is designed to help you navigate your new life in Lund. From finding accommodation to understanding Swedish traditions, we’ve got you covered.
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In English Kultur & Nöje

United by music?

An event as big and marketed as The Eurovision Song Contest (ESC), in some way, affects everyone. You know that it is happening, whether you actually sit down to watch it or not. The Eurovision 2024 being held in Malmö possibly encouraged more reflection about the contest for students at Lund University.
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