In English

In English Kultur & Nöje

Revolutions without borders

Reflecting several sides of the 2019 protests in Hong Kong, the documentary “Revolution of Our Times'' by Kiwi Chow is well renowned. The eminent film is now getting its world wide release and will be shown in Malmö next week.
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In English News Nyheter

All Covid-19 Restrictions at LU to be Lifted

On March 24th it was decided that all of the current restrictions at the university will be lifted, starting on April first, writes Vice Chancellor Erik Renström on the Vice Chancellor blog.
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Column In English Krönikor Kulturkrönika

When war hits closer to home

Even minor things such as which songs are played at night clubs have been affected by the war in Ukraine. Lundagård's culture columnist Ondrej Gomola reflects on how close to home the conflict hits, even here in Lund.
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In English Kultur & Nöje Recension

Emo Bruce Wayne Can Get It

"Dark" and "brooding" are adjectives usually reserved for the Caped Crusader – never "underwhelming". Lundagård's Linn Larsson watched The Batman and finds that it, despite a star-studded cast, fell flat.
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In English Nyheter

Internationals’ struggle to get BankID – “I felt like I was back in the 1980s”

BankID is Sweden’s most used e-ID; thousands of companies and authorities acknowledge the app as a safe and valid way of identifying their customers or citizens. However, many internationals struggle with getting access to the service. 
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In English News På djupet

New Aliens Act upsets PhD-students

On 20th July 2021, new rules of the Swedish Aliens Act took effect. The changes to the rules entail new requirements for non-EU/EEA citizens being granted a permanent residence permit. Lundagård interviewed two doctoral students, a student union representative and a politician to hear views on the permanent residence permit issue.
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Aktuell In English News

Malmö nation recalls songbooks in second apology

Lundagård has in a series of articles reported on Malmö nation’s songbook, containing songs deemed as discriminatory against people of Asian origin. After a public apology, Malmö nation now urges members to return the criticized book.
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In English Internationellt News Nyheter

Wartime tattoo studio – ”I think that they give power”

If you search for #bunkertattoos🇺🇦 on Instagram four pictures from Mary Tereshchenko pop up. A ramen bowl, a lotus flower and two texts telling the Russian military to “go fuck yourself” have become permanent memories of the war. Lundagård spoke to the Kyiv-based tattoo artist over the phone.
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Aktuell In English Nationer Student life

Malmö nation apologizes – ”I felt offended by the statement”

After Lundagårds article about a discriminating song in Malmö Nation's annual songbook, the nation has now offered an apology online.
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Aktuell In English Internationellt News Nyheter

Being a student in a war zone

It's been one and a half week since the Russian military invaded Ukraine. Lundagård's Hampus Peterson spoke to Yarina, a student living in the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv, about the current situation.
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