In English

Aktuell In English News Nyheter

Less corona restrictions – the nations rejoice

The Swedish Public Health Agency has after careful consideration decided to remove some of the current corona-related restrictions on September 29th. This creates the possibility for the student life of Lund to return to what it once was.  ...
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Aktuell In English News Nyheter

Large fight outside of the University Hospital – several hospitalized

Three people have been brought to the hospital because of fights at several different locations in Lund. The fights were between two groups, but their motivation is, as of now, unknown. – We have a reinforced presence in ...
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Bostad In English News Nyheter

Students Summoned to Rental Board as Housing Conflict Drags On

In December 2020, tenants residing at AF Bostäder’s housing were sent an email informing them that their rents were to increase. The new rents were not successfully negotiated with the Tenants Union, resulting in protests from students who ...
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In English Krönikor Studentlivskrönika

Guide to Goodbyes

Being an international students undoubtedly means having to come to terms with saying your fair share of goodbyes. But practice doesn’t make perfect, according to Mikaela Sasi.  As the trees turn green and Botaniska fills with groups of ...
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Column In English Krönikor Kulturkrönika

When life gives you wheat – make scones

Summer is around the corner. With the warm weather, comes the inevitable question: ”What’s next?”. But don’t worry if you don’t have an answer, it’s totally okay to not have everything figured out, says Ondrej Gomola.  Now’s the ...
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Forskning In English News Nyheter

Understanding Street Art – First PhD for Cognitive Semiotics

Tomorrow is an exciting day for the Centre for Languages and Literature at Lund University: Cognitive Semiotics – a discipline with only two decades of history – gains its first doctor. Cognitive semiotics studies meaning-making not only in ...
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In English Lundakarnevalen 2022

Lund Karneval Days 2022

Every fourth year, the Lundagård park transforms into a large carnival area with raffle booths, artist performances, student improv, foods and drinks. The grand experience returns in May next year. At a press conference that took place April ...
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In English Utflykten

Destination: Skåne

Summer is quietly coming, step by step. The sun makes even the palest people tanned, bugs come out and the camping rentals are already out of tents. High time to explore the world around us! Lundagård have made ...
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In English Nyheter Studentliv

Lund’s best meme to be crowned

Lund Memeversity in collaboration with ESN Lund launches competition to name best international student life meme.  In collaboration with Erasmus Student Network (ESN) Lund, Lund’s Memeversity, a popular meme page on Facebook, has launched a meme contest. International ...
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In English News Nyheter Studentliv

International students bring awareness to autism

Two international lundastudents host events celebrating the National Autism Acceptance Month In honour of the National Autism Acceptance Month, Rudinë Fetahaj and Flaka Isufi, two friends from Kosovo studying at the Medical Faculty in Lund University, challenged themselves ...
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