In English

Column In English Krönikor Studentlivskrönika

A matter of perspective

Do foreign people suddenly become deaf upon arriving in Lund? Does a quiet or noisy city feel safer? Everything is relative. ”Safety depends on the eye of the beholder”, says Lundagårds student life columnist Catalina Ordoñez. I have ...
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Column In English Krönikor Studentlivskrönika

Foreigners with an expiration date

”They took the welcome rug away from under me.” Lundagård’s new international columnist, Catalina Ordoñez Valenzuela from Colombia, writes about the ambiguity of the Swedish hospitality, and about arriving in the promised land, only to discover there’s no ...
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In English Nyheter

Paying for education – Sweden’s tuition fee and it’s consequences

Did you know that international students coming to Sweden weren’t required to pay tuition fee before 2011? Sweden’s process to start making tuition fee mandatory begin in 2004. In 2019, Lundagård investigates its consequences. In the 2004/05 academic ...
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