In English

Guider In English På djupet

A beginner’s guide to the European Union

The European Union (EU) is a political and economic partnership that represents a collective effort by 27 European countries to create economic cooperation and ensure peace across the continent. In order to delve deeper, we spoke with Maria Strömvik – an expert in the field.
– The EU is the most fascinating attempt to leave the idea that the sovereign state is the most important thing in an international context, says Maria Strömvik.
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In English Porträttet

Staying sober in the club

Life as a student is often filled with partying and late nights at nation’s clubs. A social culture where alcohol often is an integral part. Lundagård has met one of Lund’s students who refrains from drinking but still is a fixture on the nation club circuit.
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In English News Nyheter

Sustainability Week in Lund: ”It inspired me”

Lund University and the municipality joined forces for Sustainability Week, presenting a series of workshops and discussions accessible to the public. Taking place from April 8th to 13th, this annual event focused of sustainable living, inviting participants to explore and engage with key sustainability issues.
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In English News

LTH employees in open letter to the department: ”A wall of silence”

On 26th of February, ten LTH employees criticised the management of LTH in an open letter for its stance on the recent conflict in the Middle East. The letter claims that the department is creating a "wall of silence", preventing LTH employees to express their own stance within the academic community. LTH refutes the accusations by referring to its principle of neutrality and respect for freedom of speech.
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In English Klimat På djupet

Myths and truths about climate change

Prophecy or myth – storytelling has been part of human life for near eternity. Although we have moved on from seeking truth in the flight of birds, there are certain myths and legends we hold onto, also in our current time of climate crisis.
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In English News Nyheter

International students can now get a two year residency permit

The Swedish Migration Agency has recently updated their contract with Lund University, making it possible for students to have a two year residency permit rather than just one year.
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In English Nyheter

Teacher suspended – praised Russia and Iran

A teacher at Malmö University has been suspended from teaching. According to Sydsvenskan, she has been accused of making controversial statements, such as praising Russia, the Iranian dictatorship, and the Taliban, while expressing bias favouring black students over white ones. 
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Föreningen In English

A peek behind LUST’s curtains

Lund is full of all kinds of student organizations: Unions, nations, sports associations. On this occasion Lundagård meets Kleia Sidira, member and foreperson at AF’s international theater group, LUST, to find out what goes on behind each show.
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In English Porträttet

”To educate young people, to have been their teacher and their mentor means a lot to me”

On the third of October 2023 it was announced that the Nobel Prize in physics would be awarded to Anne L’Huillier, the first time a researcher at Lund University was given the prize.
– I think, to be a good researcher, one has to be obstinate to continue working in spite of what others say, she says.
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In English Nyheter

“His visit to Lund makes sense to me”

The Swedish flag and the French flag sway in the wind at the top of the university building on the day of the arrival of the French president Emmanuel Macron in Lund. Whilst the university has prepared with great pomp, the visit by the French president has left Lund's students with some contrasting opinions. 
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