In English

In English Nyheter

French students in Lund: ”Not a President who makes me feel proud of France”

Lundagård has talked to French students at Lund University about Macron's visit to Lund and their overall thoughts on their President. Here's what they had to say.
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In English Nyheter

Tickets for Macron’s visit at Studentafton released on Friday

On Friday at 15:00, 200 tickets for Studentafton with the French President Emmanuel Macron will be released. And the moderator will be Ekonomihögskolan's professor Sylvia Schwaag Serger.
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Forskning In English

Shedding light on seasonal depression

It’s no secret that winter is here. With it comes the cold, the dark and the blues. And for a significant proportion of students, particularly international ones, autumn brings a new fear: that of falling into seasonal depression. As night falls fast, we shed some light on the subject of ’SAD’.
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In English Nyheter

Hundreds of international students welcomed on Arrival Day

On Tuesday, “Arrival Day” for the spring semester at Lund University took place. Having traveled from all over the world, hundreds of international students were welcomed by Lund University’s yellow vested staff and mentors.
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In English Krönikor Studentlivskrönika

Quarter-Life Crisis

Lundagårds student life columnist Philippa Scholz, at 24, confesses to navigating a quarter-life crisis, realising its statistical relevance before turning 25. Exploring her current anxieties as likely symptoms, she wonders: Could this be the quintessential quarter-life challenge?
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In English News Nyheter

Club night collaboration between Smålands and Parentesen

On Saturday the 18th of November, Lund history is going to be made. On that night it will be the very first time in the history of student engagement in the city where a nation and a student accommodation will hold a collaborative event. Lundagård has met the organizers from Smålands nation and Parentesen housing area to talk about the brainchild which is soon to be born.
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In English Krönikor Studentlivskrönika

Cutting Stereotypes, One Trim at a Time

From batting away male fantasies of short-haired ‘rebels’ to being asked if she and her boyfriend were a ‘homosexual couple’, Lundagård’s columnist Philippa Scholz explores her experiences around how her hairstyles have impacted people’s perceptions of her gender and sexuality. 
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In English Kultur Kultur & Nöje Kulturreportage

Sketches on Democracy

We can find all kinds of inspiration in art. Lund’s Skissernas Museum is unique in showcasing the process of art. The museum’s latest temporary exhibition, “Kom som du är”, especially invites both artist and visitor to come as they are. 
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In English

PhD-student and thesis advisor in conflict over plagiarism

On September 29, a PhD-student passed his thesis at Lund University, although he was accused of plagiarism by his former thesis advisor.
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Frågespalt In English


In Lundagård's advice column, Theodor Bondestam answers the readers' questions. This week's inquirer is an international student who has difficulty finding friends in Lund.
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