In English

Föreningen In English

Students start a think tank: “I want it to become the leading policy institute in the Nordics”

The Global Policy Research Group held its opening ceremony in Lund last week. Already having produced four policy papers, the group looks ahead to a bright future.
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In English Nyheter Valet 2022

After the Thriller – Right Wing Coalition Likely to Win Election

Yesterday (11th of September) polls in Sweden closed, and the preliminary results are in. As of now, the right wing bloc is in the lead with one mandate, and the far-right Sweden Democrats becomes the second largest party in Sweden.
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In English News Nyheter

No trains between Malmö and Lund at the end of the month

There will be a stop in the train traffic between Malmö and Lund on September 19th-28th. The cancellation is due to construction of new tracks.
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Guider In English På djupet Valet 2022

Understanding the Election – a Guide to Swedish Politics

On Sunday September 11th, Swedish citizens will elect 349 members into parliament, called the Riksdag. Lundagård sat down to talk with Lars Edgren, Professor Emeritus at the Department of History, about the historical roots of Swedish democracy as well as the current election.
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Forskning In English

Robotic sensations at LUX

Building robots is not a privilege reserved for engineering students at LTH. Lundagård talked to Mia Huovilainen and Theodor Årnfelt to learn how robotics is applied in cognitive science.
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In English Lundakarnevalen 2022

Fasching, Kirmes and Biergarten – memories of German carnivals

When attending festivities of other countries it is just impossible to leave out comparisons to the traditions one grew up with. Being a German in Lund, Lundagårds Verena Mühlberger was triggered by the Lundakarneval to revisit some childhood memories.
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In English Karneval Lundakarnevalen 2022

Why not come to Lundakarnevalen?

While the Karneval is dominating Lund's student life for more than the weekend itself, there are still some students who just do not want to or can not come. Lundagård tried to find the reasons.
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Aktuell In English Lundakarnevalen 2022 Recension

Blacknuss brings groove, swag and good vibes

Lundagård’s Kuzey Yanartas was among the crowd of Blacknuss on the first day of the carnival. The band turned out to be a real ‘dark horse’ for Lundakarnavalen 2022.
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In English Karneval Lundakarnevalen 2022

Vibe Check at Lundakarnevalen 2022

Lundagård’s Kuzey Yanartas hit the premises of Lundakarnevalen 2022 to check the pulse of the people enjoying the first hours of the much-anticipated event.
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In English Kår Sport Studentliv

The return of the Kårmästerskap

After a two-year break due to the pandemic, the prestigious Kårmästerskap finally took place on May 4th. For the first time since 2019, six of Lund’s student organizations competed for the sought-after trophy.
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