
Julkalender Julkalendern 2023 Sport

18 december: Sporten du inte får missa i jul

Julfilmer, brädspel och släktmingel i all ära. Julen är också på flera sätt sportens högtid. Lundagårds Elmer Rikner listar sportsändningarna man bara inte får missa i jul.
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Nyheter Sport Studentliv

VM-brons för Lund Cheer

I år hölls det sjunde världsmästerskapet i World InterUniversity Championship i Barcelona där Lunds Akademiska Cheerleadingförening tog hem bronsmedaljen. Lundagård har mött Ebba Rehfeldt som är medlem i AF-föreningen.
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In English Intervju Sport

Swedish National team player and LU alumni: A conversation with Zećira Mušović

On Saturday, Lund University alumni, Zećira Mušović took her place between the national team's goal posts for the eighth time. Lundagård met with the goalkeeper to learn more about who she is and how she managed to combine full time studies with a professional football career.
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In English News Nyheter Sport

Lugi Lions celebrated 50 years: ”You basically give your life for each other on the pitch”

Lugi Lions rugby club has become somewhat of a hub for international students. Last week, the club celebrated 50 years, and Lundagård met up with some happy rugby players just before the game.
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In English Kår Sport Studentliv

The return of the Kårmästerskap

After a two-year break due to the pandemic, the prestigious Kårmästerskap finally took place on May 4th. For the first time since 2019, six of Lund’s student organizations competed for the sought-after trophy.
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In English Recension Sport

Gyms in Lund – a diverse world

Summer is approaching, but that certainly does not mean an end to all indoor sporting activities in Lund. For those that are looking for a place to workout, the surprisingly diverse set of gyms in town might have something to offer.
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